Benefit Profiles and keeping a project on track

Keeping projects on track. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay . Royalty Free

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay . Royalty Free How do we keep a project on track? It’s easy enough to monitor costs, but when you are under budget at a particular time, does that mean that you are managing the costs well, or simply late? It’s possible to monitor Earned Value, which is quite… Continue reading Benefit Profiles and keeping a project on track

How many top priorities should you have?

Do you have 2 or 3 top priorities that appear to make sense, but in reality they often seem to conflict? How can you get real clarity? It isn’t easy, but it is straightforward  Follow the link to the article #projectmanagement#changemanagement#portfolio#strategyexecution

Doctor Book Scheme – Vitamin B12 deficiency in clinical practice

In order to promote the Doctor Book Scheme, I’ve put the following up on LinkedIn Vitamin B12 deficiency is widespread, but too many people don’t recognise it and it isn’t getting diagnosed or treated. The B12d charity is offering to send copies of the book for free to any doctor or nurse in UK… Continue reading Doctor Book Scheme – Vitamin B12 deficiency in clinical practice

Business intelligence – or business stupidity?

Artificial Intelligence – AI to its friends – is touted as the answer to everything. Technology has always been seen as a “quick fix”. I can remember colleagues recording lectures on tape recorders, claiming they would “listen to them later”. Of course they never did, but there was the comfort blanket of knowing that you… Continue reading Business intelligence – or business stupidity?

Procuring for Benefits and Value – what happens

There are many situations where it’s better to work together, and the individual specific interest groups within a professional association are no exception. Association for Project Management (APM – the Chartered body for the Project Management Profession) has 12 Specific Interest Groups, and two, Contracts & Procurement and Benefits & Value, worked closely to deliver… Continue reading Procuring for Benefits and Value – what happens

APM Body of Knowledge v7 – First Impressions

The Association for Project Management (APM)’s new Body of Knowledge published on 2 May 2019 is an exciting development.  On one hand, it’s much more readable than previous Body of Knowledge’s.  On the other, it’s no longer designed to dip into – it’s a “read start-to-finish” kind of document. Purchase from: (permission APM) Is… Continue reading APM Body of Knowledge v7 – First Impressions

Complementary Disciplines: Communication and Benefits

Sharp-eyed readers may notice that I specialise in creating Value, through benefits. This means creating improvement in individuals, in organisations, and in projects. I don’t think it’s a secret that all improvement requires change. But not all change leads to improvement. Making change happen is, however, vital. Making change happen requires communication. Here’s a blog… Continue reading Complementary Disciplines: Communication and Benefits

An Age of Benefits and Value Management?

Project Management is an ancient profession – we can certainly trace it over 1,000 years, although project managers would have been called “Administrators”, or “Architects”. Project Management as a discipline goes back at least 100 years, as does the Iron Triangle. I argue on the APM (Association for Project Management) website that Project Management… Continue reading An Age of Benefits and Value Management?